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Special Education

Special Education Dept. Frequently Asked Questions

Special Education Services
As required by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), the San Mateo Union High School district provides a continuum of services for students with disabilities.  All programs are open to students in grades 9-12.  Students are placed through the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process in the program that best meets their needs.

The school climate at Aragon supports a high degree of academic pursuit.  Self-motivated students excel in this environment that promotes study and supports student’s academic goals.

An articulation meeting will be held for each student entering into Aragon in the SPED program in late March or early April. These meetings will be held at Aragon. You will be notified of your specific meeting time and date by your student’s current case manager.  During these meetings we will be discussing your student’s need for services and scheduling his/her classes for freshmen year.  These meetings are very important and involve many people who are operating on a very tight schedule.  Please make every effort to attend your child’s meeting at the assigned time.

Athletics are offered throughout the year.  Tryouts for fall sports usually occur sometime after school is out in June. Students who wish to participate in sports need to pick up an athletic packet from the office and have a physician complete the form and return the completed forms to the health aide.

The following is a list of programs offered at Aragon High School:

The Non-Intensive Program is designed for special education students who need tutorial assistance with their mainstream classes.  They receive individualized support in a Directed Studies class.  

The Intensive program consists of core academic classes, which follow the state mandated curriculum, taught by Special Education teachers in a smaller class setting.  Students take these classes in lieu of the general education version only where needed.  Students who need these classes move among the Specialized Academic Instruction teachers for their classes.  Electives and PE are spent in the general education program.

Speech and Language
A Speech and Language specialist provides speech and language therapy for students with an impairment in that area.  Those students may receive the therapy in conjunction with other Special Education services or as their sole service.   It is generally provided in a push in format, or either individually or in a group.