Special Education Services
Special Education Services
Speech and Language Services
A speech and language therapist is available on each campus to provide therapy for students who have an identified need in this area.
Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) Support
Directed Studies
SMUHSD Elective Credit
This course is for special education students who need non-intensive support in the special education program. The majority of the day is spent in regular education classes. The course is repeatable.
SAI - Core Content Classes
The district provides Specialized Academic Instruction content classes for students who need their core curriculum taught within the special education setting for more intensive support. Courses in English, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science are offered at Aragon. The content courses offered through the Specialized Academic Instruction Program fulfill the core graduation requirements for the respective content areas.
Programs Available Through SMUHSD and SELPA
There are various SAI classes for students with moderate to severe disorders at other sites throughout the district. Programs for the more severely disabled are also available through the San Mateo County Office of Education. These include services for the severely developmentally delayed, severely physically disabled, severely multiple disabled and other low incidence populations. Students who cannot be served in either a district or a county program are educated in non-public schools.