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Silver Sword Award and Volunteer Opportunities

Silver Sword Award

The Silver Sword Award is for volunteer service to the school and the community. Points are awarded for those activities which do not ordinarily receive credits or grades, and for activities which require time and dedication far beyond the usual course work. The Silver Sword is awarded at graduation with recognition in the graduation program, a “Sliver Sword” pin, and the distinction of wearing a silver tassel on their cap instead of the traditional red and black tassel.  

The Silver Sword is one of the few remaining traditions at Aragon. It started when the school first opened in the 1960s. It has endured over the years as a symbol of our students’ dedication to the ideals of giving, unselfishly, for the good of the community both on and off campus. It remains one of the most prestigious honors bestowed upon a graduate.

The requirements are:

  • 500 points over the 4 high school years
  • A maximum of 200 points for outside Community Service. This type of service must be verified by attaching a letter from your Community Service Supervisor.
  • 300 or more points must be school-related activities.
  • The Silver Sword Points Record sheet has information regarding the maximum points for each activity – per semester – that can be earned towards the Award.
  • TOTAL POINTS for each semester must be turned in on the due date listed on the form – THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS 

Pick up the Silver Sword form in the counseling office or download the form here see our Financial Aid and Scholarship Advisor in the counseling office if you have any questions.


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