PTSO Volunteer Opportunities
Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) Volunteer Opportunities
There are plenty of opportunities to support your student and Aragon throughout the year. Get to know and work with our great faculty and staff. Volunteer and be a part of what makes Aragon great! Volunteer options/descriptions can be found below.
“Anywhere I’m needed/on call” - This category creates a much-needed pool of volunteers to support the PTSO events throughout the year. Event chairs will contact you, via email, throughout the year to request help on an event. When you are available you can sign up to participate.
9th Grade Welcome – Help welcome our freshman students and parents to our Aragon school community. Events include a Freshman Parent Welcome Coffee and New Parent Reception.
Aragon Excellence Fund - Help with our “direct ask” campaign to parents, in the Fall, that benefits every student. Volunteer positions include marketing, data analysis and input, corporate sponsorships, and campaign fundraising expertise. Help is also needed with the sorting/stuffing/stamping of the letters.
Tailgate Community Event - Help with our first home football game of the season with a community tailgate party featuring food & entertainment. This event is co sponsored with the Aragon Athletic Boosters.
Staff Appreciation - Provide lunch for approximately 150 Aragon Staff Members during Back To School Lunch in the Fall and Staff Appreciation Week in the Spring and provide a Coffee Cart with treats in Fall and Spring.
8th Grade Transition - Help with various activities to introduce 8th grade students and parents to Aragon including student shadowing, Aragon Expo night, and Informal Parent Information nights.
International Food Fair - This is a great community-building event and an opportunity to share with the Aragon community some of your culture. Various parents or groups of parents get together and sponsor a Country Booth. Food is sold at the booths and students and School Clubs provide cultural entertainment.
AP Teacher Luncheon - Help serve lunch to the 400+ guest teachers attending the AP Conference at Aragon High School in January. All proceeds go directly to the Aragon PTSO to help support student activities.
CAASPP Testing - This committee supports the students during the CAASPP testing in the Spring. Volunteers are needed to provide snacks during testing. This is a great opportunity to volunteer if you are a working parent. Snacks can be bought or made and dropped off before school starts.
Summer Faire - Help organize a summer faire for students to find job opportunities, volunteer opportunities and internships.
Health and Wellness Day – An informative and fun event promoting healthy lifestyles for students.
Summer Enrichment Awards - Help chair in reviewing applications by students for our Summer Enrichment Awards
Senior Scholarships - With the assistance of the Counseling Department, oversee the award of $1000 scholarships to graduating seniors who plan to attend college in the fall. This is a merit-based award. Selection of the scholarship winners will be performed utilizing a metric evaluation system by a group of parents.
Senior Parent Committee - Help organize and staff the following events:
Senior Sunrise Breakfast, Senior Snack Days, Senior Activities Day, Senior Sunset Dinner, and Graduation Night
Escrip/Amazon Smile - Encourage AHS families and staff to sign up for eScrip and Amazon Smile.
Peninsula Parent Education Speaker Series- Help with two district wide speaker events that provide an educational component for all parents in our district high schools.
Baker - Help with miscellaneous baking needs for events throughout the year.