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August 4, 2022

August 4, 2022

Dear Students and Parents,

The countdown to the first day of school has begun!  We are incredibly excited to see our students back on campus in the days and weeks ahead.

A number of our programs are beginning to get up and running, including athletics, music, and drama.  If you (or your student) is interested in trying out for the Fall Musical (Mamma Mia!), please get ready for tryouts!  See this flyer for more information - and please be aware that there will be a school-day option for vocal auditions as well.  If you are interested in trying out for an athletic team, please see the athletics website for coach contact information.

Some of the following information is review - but I wanted to make sure that everyone was aware of what Orientation, JumpStart, and the first few days of the school year will look like.

1 - First Weeks of School.  Here are the bell schedules we will follow for the first four weeks of the school year, followed by our 'First Day of School' bells.  We We will continue to make updates over the course of the school year to our Bell Schedule document, linked here.
2 – Student & Family Handbook.  Students and Families should make it a priority to review the Student & Family Handbook prior to the beginning of the school year.  You will find a LOT of information there!

3 – Mark your calendars.  Keep the following important dates on hand (see website for additional details):

  • August 5: Orientation for 9th grade students [see below for details]
  • August 9: JumpStart for 10th, 11th, & 12th Grade students [see below for details]
  • August 10: First day of school!
    • Tours for New Students with their Link Crew Leaders: 8:30-10am
    • Class Schedules available to student online or from Counseling Office
    • Classes begin at 10:05am
  • August 18: New Parent Welcome @ 5:30pm; Ice Cream Social & Community Reboot @ 6:30pm - more information to come!
  • September 1: Back to School Night
  • September 2: Minimum Day schedule
  • September 5: Labor Day Holiday (no school)

5 – 9th Grade & New Student Orientation (8/5), JumpStart (8/9), and PICTURE DAYS!  Please refer to our website for information.
Students will receive their course schedules and free COVID tests at these events as well.

6 – Drop-Off Locations.  
For the safety of all staff and students, do NOT enter the driveway to the main office or enter the main student parking lot between the hours of 8:15am-3:45pm.  Please view this map for drop-off locations and details.

Families are asked to drop off students in the following locations ONLY:

  • By the Science Wing and ‘Panhandle’ parking lot off Woodland
  • In front of the school on Alameda de Las Pulgas
  • Near neighborhood stair access

We’re looking forward to a fantastic start to the 2022-23 school year - and I can't wait to see you and your students on campus in the coming weeks!

Valerie Arbizu, Principal