Schoolwide Learner Outcomes
All Aragon graduates are expected to…
KNOW Foundation Skills and Information in each Discipline and can
- Identify and understand key facts and concepts
- Speak and write effectively
- Read and listen actively
- Gather, process and communicate information using appropriate technology
- Transfer skills to emerging technologies
THINK Creatively using Higher Order Thinking Skills and can
- Gather, analyze and evaluate data
- Define problems, propose and implement solutions
- Generate their own ideas and organize material using a variety of techniques
- Think metaphorically and categorically
- See relationships within and between disciplines
DEVELOP Effective Methods of Self-Management and can
- Maximize personal strengths while exploring a variety of academic and co-curricular areas
- Demonstrate reliability, time management, organization and self-discipline
- Set appropriate goals for physical fitness, hygiene, nutrition, and emotional health
- Develop personal goals for career, family and community life
- Identify areas of personal challenge and self-advocate to manage them constructively
CONTRIBUTE to a Diverse Democratic Community and can
- Work effectively with others to accomplish goals
- Welcome diversity and other points of view and can handle conflict constructively
- Contribute to maintaining a safe, clean and caring environment
- Follow the school and community standards of ethical behavior
- Have integrity and take responsibility for choices
- Participate in local, national and global discourse and decision-making