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WASC Report 2024: Chapter 5/Action Plan & Appendices

Chapter 5: Schoolwide Action Plan/SPSA  


The goal statements for Aragon High School are purposefully broad and short to enable the faculty and staff to keep them in mind as we work toward improving our school program and culture.  There are a handful of strategies under each goal statement - these strategies indicate major areas of focus for the Action Plan.


The following is a brief listing of our goals:

  • Goal 1: Connect all students to academic and skill-based success.

  • Goal 2: Connect all stakeholders to school culture and community.

  • Goal 3: Create Common Tier I Instructional Agreements.

  • Goal 4: Streamline Site Leadership Teams to Support Collaborative & Effective Strategic Planning 


Statement - Area of Improvement

Goal #1: Connect all students to academic and skill-based success.

Full Goal Statement: Develop skills within and outside of the classroom that prepare students to be successful in the various paths they may take post-high school.


Connection to Major Student Learner Needs:

Aragon staff identified a need for refocused, school-wide use of strategies to develop academic identity, executive functioning skills, and literacy in all classes for all students, particularly for historically underrepresented students and our rising MLL (Multilingual Learner) population.

Connection to FG Identified Schoolwide Growth Areas:

Area B: Provide a comprehensive career-exploration and readiness program where students engage in career development activities every year.

Area C: Foster our students to have a healthy sense of identity as learners, whether that’s pursuing trades/career out of high school as well as college ready students. This could mean more student choice in electives and content within classes.

Current Data & Measurable Ways to Assess Progress:

Current Data:

83.3% of students were ‘prepared’ for college/career per the California Dashboard in 2023.

  • 34.3% Students with Disabilities

  • 46.2% Pacific Islander Students

  • 46.7% English Learners

  • 60% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged

  • 68.4% Latino Students

97.7% of students graduated per the California Dashboard in 2023.

  • 94.3% Students with Disabilities

  • 94.7% Latino Students

  • 100% English Learners

  • 100% Pacific Islander Students

23% of students noted that what they learn in class often/almost always helps them outside of school - Fall 2023 Panorama Survey Data

Measurable Ways to Assess Progress:

Increase in ‘prepared’ students on California Dashboard.

Maintain high percentages of students graduating from Aragon High School.

Increase in positive outcomes on Panorama Survey Data

School Counselor Calendar - Documentation of presentation items aligned with ASCA Standards and where counselors are accessing students.

Flex Calendar - Annual planning of FlexTime usage and programmatic offerings

Alumni Survey (preparation skills for college/career success)

Means to Monitor and Report Progress:

Pull data quarterly to review and report data to site leadership teams, School Site Council, and appropriate additional stakeholders.

Review calendars for inclusion of targeted events in schoolwide curriculum (surveys, etc.)


Actions to be Taken to Reach Goal #1: Specific Steps


Person(s) Responsible

Strategy #1: Offer more student choice in electives offered.

Offer students reflective resources to help them explore and identify interests, and connect them to real-world opportunities

  • Counselor presentations

  • Career Days 

  • Career Fair with a variety of foci: civil service/military, trades and vocations - including schools that focus on trade options.

Spring 2024: Planning 

SY 2024-25: Implementation 

School Counselors

Case Managers

CTE Coordinator

AP - Counseling

Use student course feedback as a basis to build and create additional vocational courses of interest.  [Fund vocational classes at Aragon]

  • Survey students to identify student career interests - potentially as part of a CARES lesson/CARES time.  [Survey]

  • Identify realistic staffing options with currently tenured teachers on campus and facilities capabilities prior to floating new CTE courses.

Spring 2024: Student survey

SY 2024-25: 


SY 2025-26: Implementation 

School Counselors

CTE Coordinator

CTE Dept. Head

Activities Director

AP - Counseling

Build career-focused lessons strategically into the full school curriculum

  • PD time for collaboration within department

    • Use of Naviance (or replacement software) to support vocational lessons and exploration

  • Explore creative uses of FlexTime - common lessons delivered by grade level or interest level as needed.

Spring  2024: Discussion 

SY 2024-25: 

Fall: Planning

Spring: Implementation

Department Heads


AP - Counseling

Strategy #2: Fully embed the School Counselor ASCA Requirements into our schoolwide curriculum.  Allow for more time for counselors to come into the classroom.

Counselors to meet with students in each grade level 3 times per year in classroom setting for curriculum delivery, one to be course selection in the spring 

Spring 2024: Planning

SY 2024-25: Implementation 

School Counselors

Department Heads

AP - Counseling

Career Exploration within School Counselor lessons

Spring 2024: Planning

SY 2024-25: Planning & Implementation 

School Counselors

Explore the use of the four-year plan in Aeries (or another data collection application) for future course planning projections.

Spring 2024: Planning

SY 2024-25: Planning & implementation

School Counselors

Site Administration

Directed Studies teachers

Strategy #3: Increase hands-on learning that explicitly show a connection to life outside of school (projects, performance tasks, etc)

PD to support teacher creation of authentic assessments instead of traditional assessments.

  • Project-Based Learning

  • Problem-Based Learning

  • Project Menus

  • Continue with UDL PD - encourages different models for assessing student skills and knowledge

Spring 2024: Discussion

SY 2024-25: Planning

Spring 2025: Potential implementation of one activity in all classes

SY 2025-26: 



Department Heads

Explore off-campus learning opportunities for elective credit

  • Work Experience / Internships

  • Volunteer Experience**

  • Service learning

  • Staff/community mentors and presentations to panels as a summative event.

  • TIP (Trade Introduction Program) and BCSI

** Discuss continuation or alteration of Silver Sword Points Program

Spring 2024: Discussion

SY 2024-25: Planning &


SY 2025-26: Continued implementation & Progress Check

School Counselors

Department Heads

AP - Counseling

CTE Teachers

CTE Coordinator

Explore options to support student learning in additional life skills areas:

  • Financial Literacy

  • Living Skills

  • Executive Functioning Skills

SY 2024-25: Planning 

SY 2025-26: Implementation 

AP - School Counselors

CTE Teachers

CTE Coordinator

Explore the inclusion of curriculum (like Civic Online Reasoning) to help students separate fact from fiction online and make better sense of news and current events

SY 2024-25: Planning 

Spring 2024-25: Planning & Implementation 



Department Heads

Social Science teachers 

Strategy #4: Reestablish and maintain strong curricular partnerships laterally with district schools and vertically with elementary and community college districts

Continue to partner with our local community colleges with concurrent enrollment, dual enrollment, and college outreach


Spring 2024-2025: Progress Check

School Counselors

Department Heads

AP - Counseling

DO C&I Support

Continue to partner with local feeder schools to support student transition to high school via counselor visits, Parent Expo, Open House


Spring 2024-2025: Progress Check

Department Heads

AP - Counseling

DO C&I Support

Strategy #5: Explore creative ways to make use of FlexTime to complete some of the cross-curricular activities listed above

Review current uses of FlexTime

  • Student Feedback

  • Teacher Feedback

  • Counseling Calendar

  • Tier 2 Calendar

  • Wellness Counselor Calendar

Spring 2024: Discussion

SY 2024-25: Planning & Implementation


Tier 1 Team

Tier 2 Team

AP - MTSS Tier 1

AP - Counseling

Wellness Lead

Identify schoolwide activities that are pushed into classes and determined if these lessons would be better delivered schoolwide during FlexTime

  • Panorama Surveys

  • Counseling Activities

  • Life Skills Lessons

  • Executive Functioning Lessons

  • CARES Lessons

Spring 2024: Discussion & Planning

SY 2024-25: Planning & Implementation

End of Spring 2025: Progress Check

Department Heads

Activities Director

Site Administration

Statement - Area of Improvement

Goal #2: Connect all stakeholders to school culture and community.

Full Goal Statement: Support and build relationships with all students, staff, and families with the intention of creating a safe community for all, particularly BIPOC, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those who struggle socially and/or emotionally.  


Connection to Major Student Learner Needs:

Aragon staff identified a need to eliminate the use of hate speech and dehumanizing language and insults used by students to help foster a more empathetic, compassionate and emotionally safe community. This must include better education, clear and consistent consequences, and expectations from ALL staff.

Students would benefit from refreshing kindness skills, to increase compassion and reduce othering.

Connection to FG Identified Schoolwide Growth Areas:

Area A: Stop dehumanizing language that make the student body and staff feel unsafe.

Area B: Ongoing examination of curricula across all departments to craft curricula with better representation of all identities.   

Area E: staff and students desire clear and consistent consequences for students who are not following school policies. 

Current Data & Measurable Ways to Assess Progress:

Current Data:

Panorama Survey Data - Cultural Awareness

  • 52% Students report that teachers encourage them to learn about people from different races, ethnicities, or cultures

  • 77% Students report caring about other people’s feelings.

  • 79% Students report getting along with students who are different from them.

  • 53% Students report that their school does well in helping students speak out against racism.

  • 78% Students report that it is common for students to have close friends from different racial, ethnic, or cultural backgrounds

  • 100% Staff agree that they feel confident to effectively support BIPOC and LGBT+ students in their classes.

Panorama Survey Data - Hate-Motivated Speech/Safety

  • 53% Students report that adults respond to hate speech in a way that makes them feel safe.

  • 85% Students report that they have been the target of hate-motivated speech or behavior.

  • 90% Students reported in 2022 that they think their friends of different sexual orientation, race, or religion feel safe at AHS. [this question was removed from the 2023 survey]

  • 98% Staff (Fall 2022) agree feeling confident that they can respond appropriately to instances of hate speech; 89% report seeing other adults respond appropriately.

Panorama Survey Data - Connection/Relationships

  • 24% Students report feeling connected to the adult at AHS.

  • 38% Students agree that they matter to others at AHS.

  • 92% Students report that teachers are respectful to them.

  • 49% Students agree that, when teachers ask them how they are doing, they are really interested in their answer.

  • 83% Staff agree that staff and students care about each other.

  • 79% Staff agree that staff and administrators care about each other.

  • 90% Staff agree that when they bring a concern about school climate or culture, there is follow through by leadership.

  • 68% Staff feel their voice/perspective is heard at school.

Measurable Ways to Assess Progress:

Increase in positive responses on identified key indicators.

Creation of Site-Specific Dehumanizing Language Response Protocol

Communication of Protocols - At-A-Glance, Parent Square Communications, Updated Family Handbook

Professional Development Calendar

Means to Monitor and Report Progress:

Pull data quarterly to review and report data to site leadership teams, School Site Council, and appropriate additional stakeholders.
Review calendars for inclusion of targeted events in schoolwide curriculum (surveys, etc.)


Actions to be Taken to Reach Goal #2: Specific Steps


Person(s) Responsible

Strategy #1:  Establish expectations for humanizing behaviors on campus with a focus on dramatically decreasing the use of dehumanizing language on campus.

Form an anti-dehumanizing language committee

  • Empower them to guide vision and initial actions to address dehumanizing behaviors and language on campus

  • Include SEC, Leadership Students, Staff

Spring 2024: Planning & Implementation

SY 2024-25: Continued Implementation & Progress Check

Ad Hoc Committee


MTSS Tier 1 Team

Site Administration

Create and communicate protocols for responding to hate speech, bullying, and other harassment

  • Adjust Tier I Expectations and agreements for classroom/staff response to behaviors

  • Adjust Tier II & Tier III administrative response to referred behaviors

  • Explore restorative practices to support students they return to campus post-learning or post-consequence

  • Work with student groups to develop on campus campaigns and activities to eliminate  dehumanizing language and behavior

Spring 2024: Follow up after above is done

SY 2024-25: Implementation 

AP - Website

AP - Counseling

Site Administration

Communicate information to community and families

  • Include in family handbook

  • Update website

  • Include in family/counseling newsletters

Spring 2024 - Planning

SY 2024-25 - Implementation

Ongoing Work

Ad Hoc Committee



Site Administration

Professional Development for Staff that focuses on inclusive and humanizing practices across campus.

  • Discussion of practices that help to build a culture of inclusion and empathy within classrooms - PD

  • Discussion of practices that help build a culture of inclusion in common work spaces - Staff Meeting

Spring 2024: Planning & Implementation

SY 2024-25: Continued Implementation & Progress Check

Ad Hoc Committee


MTSS Tier 1 Team

Site Administration

Strategy #2: Define the role of staff in supporting implementation of CARES.

Offer PD on community-building activities that support connections amongst students in the classroom

  • “Getting to Know You”/Name Games

  • Classroom Norms based on CARES

  • Supporting student-led lessons in the classroom (like CARES lessons, Live Announcements, Video Announcements)

Spring 2024: Implementation of some bullets & Planning

SY 2024-25: Fall- Implementation 

End of Fall semester- Progress Check


PT Team

Activities Director

Align CARES messaging with staff ‘look-fors’

  • Create a calendar that includes when CARES values are highlighted and discussed by Leadership Students

  • Include behaviors staff should be rewarding at any particular time

  • Communicate this information with reminders to staff via staff meetings and weekly At-A-Glance emails

Spring 2024 Planning

SY 2024-25: Implementation 

Activities Director

Leadership Stus.

Site Administration

Explore ways to recognize staff for participating in the CARES acknowledgement process.

SY 2024-25: Planning & Implementation 

Activities Director

Department Heads

Site Administration


Statement - Area of Improvement

Goal #3: Establish Common Tier I Instructional Agreements

Full Goal Statement: Renewed commitment to implement Tier I practices to help all students develop academic identity, skills, and literacy, particularly MLLs (Multilingual Learners) and historically underrepresented students.


Connection to Major Student Learner Needs:

Aragon staff identified a need for refocused, school-wide use of strategies to develop academic identity, executive functioning skills, and literacy in all classes for all students, particularly for historically underrepresented students and our rising MLL (Multilingual Learner) population.

Connection to FG Identified Schoolwide Growth Areas:

Area A: Admin and staff engage in analysis of different forms of data to determine effectiveness of programs and to what extent we are meeting students’ needs.

Area B: Increase support classes and structures for literacy, communication, and math skills; Ongoing examination of curricula across all departments to craft curricula with better representation of all identities.   

Area C: PD that emphasizes the sharing of best practices and strategies that help support student learning and executive functioning for students (specifically MLL + LTEL students); School-wide discussion on school grading policies; more consistent grading policy. 

Area D:  Interpersonal communication between teachers and admin regarding students who are struggling with executive functioning/communication skills and academics, and how we are using our resources to make the classroom experience better; School leadership team engage in data analysis-pick some plan skill development areas to work on strategically during PD; Continue to give space for our conversations on grading and assessment. Encourage PLC’s to align on grading/assessment practices.

Area E: Our school needs to stay committed to supporting the student groups who continue to struggle linguistically, academically, socially, and/or emotionally.

Current Data & Measurable Ways to Assess Progress:

Current Data:

CAASPP - English/Language Arts

82.69% of all students met/exceeded standard 2023 [52.6% Exceeded in Reading; 52.6% in Writing; 30.2% Listening; 44.2% Speaking]

  • 71.3% English Learners [38.6% Exceeded in Reading; 42.5% Writing; 19.8% Listening; 38.7% Speaking]

  • 65.7% Latino Students [33.6% Exceeded in Reading; 29.9% Writing; 16.8% Listening; 27.1% Speaking]

  • 42.8% Students with Disabilities [-- in all skills areas]

  • 58.9% SED Students [29.7% Exceeded in Reading; 25.0% Writing; 12.5% Listening; 26.4% Speaking]

CAASPP - Mathematics

61.1% of all students met/exceeded standard 2023 [43.0% Exceeded in Concepts & Procedures; 37.9% in Problem Solving; 30.2% Communicating Reasoning]

  • 37.8% English Learners [28.3% Exceeded in Concepts & Procedures; 40.1% in Problem Solving; 24.5% Communicating Reasoning]

  • 26.0% Latino Students [10.1% Exceeded in Concepts & Procedures; 11.1% in Problem Solving; 10.2% Communicating Reasoning]

  • 19.5% Students with Disabilities [-- in all skills areas]

  • 19.6% SED Students [8.4% Exceeded in Concepts & Procedures; 14.1% in Problem Solving; 9.9% Communicating Reasoning]

Graduation Rates:  97.7% of students graduated from Aragon HS in 2023.

A-G Completion Rates:  74.0% of students met A-G requirements in 2023.

  • 15.4% Pacific Islander Students

  • 34.3% Students with Disabilities

  • 40.0% English Learners

  • 48.2% Latino Students

Measurable Ways to Assess Progress:

Increase in positive responses on identified key indicators shown above.

SRI Scores (increase for MLs & HUGS)

ELPAC Scores (increase) & Reclassification Rate (increase)

Means to Monitor and Report Progress:

Pull data quarterly to review and report data to site leadership teams, School Site Council, and appropriate additional stakeholders.
Review calendars for inclusion of targeted events in schoolwide curriculum (surveys, etc.)


Actions to be Taken to Reach Goal #3: Specific Steps


Person(s) Responsible

Strategy #1: Share best practices and strategies that help support student literacy, communication and executive functioning for students, specifically MLL + LTEL students. (e.g. Constructing Meaning, structured student talk, annotations, note-taking, project-based learning, strategies for 90 min block periods, etc.)

Provide the time during staff meetings in order to communicate and discuss focus students or class groups (ex. All grade 9 teachers)

  • Create a staff meeting calendar with specific grade level foci

Spring 2024: Planning

SY 2024-25: Implementation


Site Administration

Provide Constructing Meaning training during PD or staff meetings instead of new teachers having to take a “day off” 

  • Create a staff meeting calendar 

  • Model use of CM strategies during PD & Staff Meetings

  • Identify trainers to support this work during PD or Staff Meeting Time

Spring 2024: Planning

SY 2024-25: Planning & Implementation


Consider having a PLC that includes all support-type teachers (DS, SES, AVID, etc) to discuss common strategies that are successful 

Spring 2024: Discussion

Site Administration

Discuss common/best practices for design/use of Canvas, especially for 9th and 10th grade classes

Spring 2024: Discussion with staff

SY 2024-25: Implement starting fall semester


Strategy #2: School-wide discussion on equitable school grading policies. 

Exploration of best practices for grading across the curriculum.

  • Examine research for and against grading policies to determine their effectiveness. 

  • Best Practices shared by faculty who have implemented Grading for Equity strategies

  • PLC’s align on grading/assessment practices

    • Determine a common grading scale for teachers who use a 4 point grading scale

    • Create common terminology for grading categories

SY 2024-25: Discussion & Planning

SY 2025-26: 





Tier 1 Team

Grading for Equity Team

Department Heads

Site Administration

Identify common agreements for grading as a school, including the following topics:

  • Homework value

  • Test/Assessment remediation strategies

  • Extra Credit value (if equitable and included at all)

August 2024: Discussion

SY 2024-25: Discussion & Planning

SY 2025-26: 




Tier 1 Team

Department Heads

Site Administration

Strategy #3: Address disparities in A-G completion rates by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. (e.g. Asian students have the highest A-G completion rate (95%), while Multilingual Learners (16.7%), Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students (10%), and Students with Disabilities (26.7%) had the lowest completion rates of 2023.)

Identify trends across A-G non-completers: 

  • Are there specific curricular areas that are serving as boulders in achieving A-G completion for students in these subgroups?

  • Explore options of offering Biology for incoming 9th grade to build foundational skills

  • Add foundational math for upper grade students (i.e. Finite Math)

Spring 2024: Discussion and Planning

SY 2024-25: Planning & Implementation

School Counselors


Department Heads

AP - Counseling

Strategy #4: Improve communication between teachers, administration and counselors regarding students who are struggling. 

Explore shifting one School Counseling position to primarily focus on supporting students in designated programming like Special Education, our Multilingual learners, or At-Promise students

Spring 2024: Discussion and Planning

SY 2024-25: Implementation

School Counselors

AP - Counseling

Create a PLC that includes all support teachers (DS, SES, ML programs, etc.) to discuss common instructional and engagement strategies that are successful 

  • Create a PLC meeting schedule to include a monthly meeting for check-in

  • Consider using a PTSO section as an Intervention TOSA to support these programs.

Spring 2024: Discussion

SY 2024-25: Planning & Implementation

Department Heads

Support teachers

Consider assigning a common meeting time for teachers that have the same struggling students in common to share best practices.

Spring 2024: Discussion

SY 2024-25: Planning

Spring 25: Implementation

Tier 2 Team

AP - Counseling

Strategy #5: Engage in ongoing curricular review in all departments to support inclusion and representation of all identities.   

Use of PD Time to discuss best practices for inclusion and representation within lesson and unit plans.

Spring 2024: Planning 

SY 2024-25: Planning & Implementation


Department Heads

Site Administration

Course-alike time to:

  • Review current curriculum

  • Identify potential curricular needs

  • Create new curriculum and/or identity supplemental material purchasing needs

Spring 2024: Planning 

SY 2024-25: Planning & Implementation



Department Heads




Statement - Area of Improvement

Goal #4: Streamline Site Leadership Teams to Support Collaborative & Effective Strategic Planning

Full Goal Statement: Strengthen relationships among staff and the community to facilitate strategic planning and more effective decision-making processes in support of student learning


Connection to Major Student Learner Needs:

Aragon staff identified a need for refocused, school-wide use of strategies to develop academic identity, executive functioning skills, and literacy in all classes for all students, particularly for historically underrepresented students and our rising MLL (Multilingual Learner) population.

Connection to FG Identified Schoolwide Growth Areas:

Area A: [1] Create a process for establishing the vision/mission and evaluating progress that reflects the importance of connection and relational capacity; [2] Develop practices to strengthen teacher-admin partnership to increase Aragon’s ability to have agency around decisions affecting our campus.

Area D: [1] Interpersonal communication between teachers and admin regarding students who are struggling with executive functioning/communication skills and academics, and how we are using our resources to make the classroom experience better. [2] School leadership team engage in data analysis-pick some plan skill development areas to work on strategically during PD.

Area E: There needs to be more connection within the entire school community. Building relational capacity needs to be a priority as students and staff deal with the challenges of a post-pandemic education.

Current Data & Measurable Ways to Assess Progress:

Current Data:

Panorama Survey Data - Connection/Relationships

  • 83% Staff agree that staff and students care about each other.

  • 79% Staff agree that staff and administrators care about each other.

  • 90% Staff agree that when they bring a concern about school climate or culture, there is follow through by leadership.

  • 68% Staff feel their voice/perspective is heard at school.

Measurable Ways to Assess Progress:

Increase in positive responses on identified key indicators shown above.

Re-formation of Site Leadership Team

Means to Monitor and Report Progress:

Pull data quarterly to review and report data to site leadership teams, School Site Council, and appropriate additional stakeholders.
Review calendars for inclusion of targeted events in schoolwide curriculum (surveys, etc.)


Actions to be Taken to Reach Goal #4: Specific Steps


Person(s) Responsible

Strategy #1: Reexamine/revise our vision and mission and define what we truly want for our community post pandemic. What do we fundamentally want for our students? concepts, ideas, and outcomes

Set aside time in August PD Day OR Staff Meeting time annually to review the Mission & Vision Statement

  • Complete a campus-wide survey in May prior to the end of the school year regarding the Vision & Mission

    • What’s working?

    • What needs review

  • Review outcomes of the survey in August to review the mission/vision and identify appropriate changes for the current school year.

  • Recommit to campus-wide vision and mission annually.

Spring 2024: Survey

August 2024: Discussion 

SY 2024-25: Implementation


Site Administration

Explore the potential or need for creating a Graduate Profile for Aragon High School.

  • Use as a reference as we review curricular offerings, behavior interventions, restorative practices, and community norms.

SY 2025-26

Department Heads

Site Administration

Strategy #2: Establish a school leadership team that incorporates multiple stakeholders and collaborates between the various teams on campus.

Review all current teams on campus:

  • Identify meeting types & levels of oversight

  • Identify need for an additional leadership team OR restructure a team that currently meets to serve this purpose.

Spring 2024: Planning

SY 2024-25: Implementation

Site Administration

Department Heads


Activities Director

Athletics Director

Strategy #3: Streamline Behavior matrix implementation and communication.

Develop clear and consistent communication and implementation of the established behavior matrix for all stakeholders. 

  • Improve follow-through of discipline issues

  • Include teachers in communication of follow up actions of students with attendance and behavior issues.

  • Review of behavior response matrix

  • Review consequence matrix with staff

Spring 2024: Implementation

SY 2024-25: Progress Check

Site Administration

Create a system of communication and transparency that’s aligned with common priorities.

  • Identify common priorities: what should be communicated, how, and to whom.

Fall 2024:


Spring 2024-25: Progress Check

Site Administration


Department Heads


The following are links to relevant additional evidence:

  1. Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

  2. California School Dashboard Summary performance indicators

  3. Results of student questionnaire/interviews

  4. Results of parent/community questionnaire/interviews

  5. The most recent California Healthy Kids Survey Summary Results

  6. Master Schedule

  7. Approved AP course list

  8. UC A–G approved course list

  9. AHS Course Catalog

  10. School Accountability Report Cards (SARC): 2023 / 2022 / 2021 

  11. School Profile: 2024 / 2023 / 2022 / 2021

  12. Single Plan for School Achievement (SPSA): 2023 / 2022

  13. Graduation requirements

  14. Summary of School Budget

  15. Aragon CARES poster

  16. AHS CARES Behavior Management Chart

  17. AHS Behavior Consequence Chart - Admin