Shannon Lane, Assistant Principal
Phone: (650) 558-2906
Ms. Shannon E. Lane
Ms. Shannon Lane is in her 21st year in education, second as a Don, with the last 11 years working in administration. Ms. Lane has worked in all parts of education, including as an English teacher, Activities Director, Discipline Dean, Assistant Principal and, most recently as Principal of a middle school in the East Bay. She takes great pride in supporting all students through growth mindset practices and equitable teaching and learning.
Open House, 504 Plan Lead, Student Behavior Support for Academic Integrity, AP Course Audit, Canvas, CPS Reports, Dual and Concurrent Enrollment, Field Trips, Incoming and Prospective Students, Instructional Materials, Master Schedule, MTSS Tier 2&3, Special Education Liaison, Title IX Site Contact, Wellness, PSAT Testing.
Community Group - Drama Boosters
Educational Background: