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Visitor and Volunteer Information

Volunteer Clearance Requirements

Tier 1: One Time Visitor

Example: Guest Speaker, Observer, or other one-time visitor during school hours.

  • Sign In/Out at the School or District Main Office
  • Follow any site-specific requirements and procedures

Tier II: Ongoing Volunteer

Ongoing volunteer under the direct supervision of a teacher or other credentialed staff member at all times.

Examples: Volunteer Coaches, Dance/Event/Field Trip Chaperones, Returning Speakers

  • Obtain approval from Site Principal
  • Sign In/Out at the Main Office
  • Follow any site-specific requirements and procedures
  • Livescan Fingerprinting
  • TB Clearance
  • Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate (ASCC) Waiver
  • Volunteer Clearance Packet
  • Mandatory Online Training via Target Solutions, McKinney-Vento and LS Illuminate

Tier III: Ongoing/Limited Supervision

Ongoing volunteer primarily supervised by a teacher, but may have periods of working alone with students.

Examples: Classroom Assistants, Extracurricular Volunteers, Overnight/Extended Field Trip Chaperones

  • Obtain approval from Site Principal
  • Sign In/Out at the Main Office
  • Follow any site-specific requirements and procedures
  • Livescan Fingerprinting
  • TB Clearance
  • Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate (ASCC)
  • Volunteer Clearance Packet
  • Mandatory Online Training via Target Solutions, McKinney-Vento and LS Illuminate

No Requirements (Spectator/Participant)


  • Attends a musical, drama, athletic, or academic event or assembly as a member of the audience
  • Attends school events at which parents are expected to supervise their own children
  • Visits the Main Office for business purposes
  • Attends Back To School Night, Open House, or other parent-teacher conferences

Directions and Visitor Information

Aragon High School is located in San Mateo 1/2 mile north of Highway 92 on the Alameda de las Pulgas.

The Administration Building is located at the back of the campus.  In order to get to the offices, drive up the main driveway off the Alameda and follow it past the athletic facilities and around the corner to the right.  The first (south) door of the Administration Building houses the Main Office, Principal's Office, Financial Services, and Counseling Office.  The second (north) door houses Student Services including Attendance and Health Offices.

Visitors must sign-in at the Main Office.

Volunteering Contact

If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact the SMUHSD Human Resources Department: 650-558-2240