Tutor.com Frequently asked questions
- Does it cost any money?
Tutor.com is free for all students at Aragon. Any student can access the service from virtually any internet-connected computer or mobile device. You won’t be asked to buy anything. - What time is tutoring offered?
With over 3000 tutors, Tutor.com is available 24/7 – wherever students have online access, whenever they want to connect with a tutor – at home, at school, anywhere – no matter when. - What subjects are available?
Students can get help in 60+ subjects in the areas of math, science, English, writing, social studies, AP courses, and more – Tutor.com also provides job search assistance. - What kind of tutors are on tutor.com?
All tutors must pass a rigorous application process that test for expert-level subject knowledge and effective tutoring methodology. All classroom sessions are monitored by Tutor.com management. No person information is shared between student and tutor. - Do tutors just give answers?
Every Tutor.com session is personalized to meet the needs of students, from remedial to advanced levels. It focuses on conceptual learning and critical thinking – not just quick answers. Tutors assist students with specific homework problems but can also help with concept review, writing assignments, test prep, and more.
How do I get started?
From your Canvas account, go to any of your courses and find Tutor.com 24/7 Online Tutoring.