Health Services
Health Services
If a student becomes ill at school, he/she informs the teacher and obtains permission and a pass to go to the Health Office. Parents (or others listed as medical emergency contacts) are contacted before the student is released from school. Students may rest in the Health Office for a brief time. However, if ill, a student should be at home; if well, the student should be in class. Since AHS is a closed campus, the student is to report to the Health Office or, if closed, to the Attendance Office if he/she wishes to go home at anytime during the school day because of illness.
If a student has (or has had) a temperature of 100.0F or higher, diarrhea, or vomited within the last 24 hours, s/he may not attend school. Students may return to school once they have been symptom-free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours.
Students MUST report all accidents that occur during class or athletic time to their teacher or coach. The teacher or coach will send the student to the Health Office or Athletic Trainer. Minor first aid will be administered. First Aid procedures given by school personnel are those approved by the San Mateo County Medical Society. Students involved in accidents occurring during non-class time should report immediately to the Health Office. If medical treatment is indicated, parents/guardians will be contacted. 911 will be called in an extreme emergency. The school does not provide transportation to a medical facility or assume financial responsibility.
State law requires a physician/health care provider and parent's written authorization for students to carry and self-administer medication or to be assisted by authorized school personnel in the administration of medication while at school. This includes the use of inhalers, OTC pain relievers, and so on. The Authorization for Medication(s) to be Taken During School Hours form is available in the Health Office and here (or see Student Health under General Information on the AHS webpage). Authorized medications carried or stored at school need to be in the original container, clearly labeled with the student’s name, name of prescribing physician/health care provider, name of the medication, directions for use, and expiration date.
Special Health Problems:
Parents are encouraged to inform the Health Aide of any special health problems such as orthopedic restrictions, heart conditions, risk of anaphylactic reactions, seizure disorder, diabetes, or any other problem which may affect the student’s school life or safety. Confidential information will be treated as such.
Excuses from P.E.:
When a student is to be excused from P.E. for a maximum of four (4) days, a written note from a parent or guardian is brought directly to the PE Teacher.
If a student is to be excused for more than five consecutive school days, the Health Office must receive written authorization from the physician stating the reason and the duration. The Health Aide will then notify the PE teacher of the student’s accommodations. Please use this medical form.
Students without a note from a parent and who feel that they are unable to participate in P.E. need to notify their PE teacher.
In each of these cases, the students attend P.E. class but do not participate. Students are responsible for working with their PE teacher to make up missed classes.
Per district policy, students unable to participate in a minimum of 2/3 of the PE curriculum will complete the course on a pass/fail basis OR will have the option to take the course again. This includes students who are out for an extended number of days due to injury or serious illness.
Health Records:
Please complete all of the necessary and required emergency and medical information in the district’s new online database system, InfoSnap. Your student may not attend school until this information is completed and their emergency contacts are on file. Your student will also need to provide updated vaccination records and, in the case of athletes and new students, a doctor’s physical exam report. All athletes are required to renew their physical exams within a year from the date on the physical form.
All Athletic packets expire on the last day of school. Parents can log back into SportsNet after May 1 to complete summer and school-year athletics. For more info on getting medically cleared for athletics, click here or visit the AHS Athletics page (under More).
Please contact the Health Office for information about the following: SportsNet and medical clearances, obtaining medical insurance or medical services, free and reduced lunch program, student accident insurance, and vision/hearing testing.
Lesley Franco, AHS Health Aide