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Athletic & Extracurricular Eligibility

Athletic & Extracurricular Eligibility

To be eligible to participate in athletics and extracurricular activities that includes but are not limited to student government, theater productions, and class representative, a student must: 

  • Meet minimum academic standards
  • Have passed 25 units of coursework the previous grading period
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.00 in all enrolled courses during the previous grading period
  • Not have more than one failing (“F”) grade

*Eligibility is recalculated each six-week grading period.  

To be eligible to participate in athletic activities, a student must do the following after June 1:

  • Maintain on file an annual Physical Examination Form and “Clearance Packet” including the signature of a parent or guardian
  • Provide insurance verification
  • Complete the emergency data online

*The above items must be completed and on file prior to the start of the season of participation before a student will be permitted to participate.  Complete your athletic packet online through SportsNet here!

Fall Season (August through mid November)  

Girls: Cross Country (JV/Var), Golf (Var), Tennis (JV/Var), Volleyball (JV/Var), Flag Football (Var), and Water Polo (JV/Var)
Boys: Cross Country (JV/Var), Water Polo (JV/Var)
Coed: Competitive Cheer, Football (JV/Var), Sideline Cheer.

Winter Season (Mid November through mid February)  

Girls: Basketball (JV/Var), Soccer (JV/Var).
Boys: Basketball (JV/Var), Soccer (JV/Var).
Coed: Competitive Cheer, Sideline Cheer, Wrestling (JV/Var)

Spring Season (Mid February through May)  

Women’s: Lacrosse (JV/Var), Softball (JV/Var), Swimming (JV/Var), and Track & Field (Var)
Men’s: Baseball (JV/Var), Golf (Var), Lacrosse (JV/Var), Swimming (JV/Var), Tennis (JV/Var), Track & Field (Var), and Volleyball (JV/Var).
Coed: Badminton (Var)

Problem Solving with Coaches

Should a student or parent/guardian wish to discuss an issue with a coach, please refrain from discussion immediately following a contest, and follow this protocol:

1: Student speaks with the coach individually.

2: Student and parent/guardian speak with coach together.

3: At this time, the Parent/Guardian may request a meeting with the coach and Athletic Director.

4: Finally, if the issue has not yet been resolved to the parent/guardian or coach’s satisfaction, a meeting can be requested with the Assistant Principal over Athletics along with the Athletic Director, Student, Coach, and Parent/Guardian.