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PE Uniforms & Lockers

PE Uniforms & Lockers

Aragon High School expects all students to dress appropriately and safely for participation in physical education class.  To ensure active daily participation in a wide array of physical activities, students are required to change from their regular school clothes into required PE clothing during their PE class.

All Physical Education students are expected to wear black shorts/sweats and red shirts with sleeves.  For your convenience, students may purchase "dri-fit" physical education clothing with the school name on the shirt and shorts for $20 ($10 per item), from the Physical Education department.  The "dri-fit" PE clothing will be available to purchase from your student's PE teacher on the second day of school. Please make checks payable to Aragon High School or cash will be accepted.

Students may also choose to purchase a solid red crew-neck shirt (no v-necks or tanks) and/or solid black shorts (must be mid-thigh length or longer) from a retail store instead. For hygiene reasons, it is recommended that the clothing be a “dri-fit” material and they must conform to the colors as listed above.  Sweatshirts are permissible in cold weather.  Sweat pants may be worn with PE shorts.  For hygienic reasons, yoga or tight leggings are not allowed. Rubber-soled athletic shoes with laces are necessary for all physical education classes.  “Van” type shoes are not recommended, as they do not provide the cushion and support of an athletic type shoe.

Lockers in the PE locker room will be assigned during the first week of school. If the student loses the lock, they will have to pay a fine to replace the new lock.