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Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity Policy

Aragon students hold themselves to the highest academic and ethical standards. We value every student’s right and responsibility to learn and their teachers’ right to teach. Because of these shared values, we abide by the following Academic Integrity Policy.

Students and Parents/Guardians agree that for all work, the student is fully responsible for

  • Submitting their own original work for each assignment and ensuring the work’s content and integrity.
  • Assuming that work needs to be completed individually unless the teacher states otherwise.
  • Keeping confidential all information about any assessment.
  • Completing all assessments without any aid unless the teacher states otherwise or as permitted by 504/IEP accommodations.
  • Citing properly any resources that they consult in the process of completing an assignment.
  • Contacting the teacher when uncertain about how to maintain academic integrity with an assignment.
  • Not borrowing, lending or sharing the content of any assignment (including electronically).
  • Not re-submitting the same work for a different assignment.

Teachers are responsible for

  • Teaching students about how to maintain academic integrity in their classrooms.
  • Proctoring assessments responsibly.
  • Clearly explaining to students when collaboration and/or aides is and is not appropriate.

The Academic Integrity Policy at Aragon High School is separated into three categories, with increasing levels of violation and consequence assigned.  

Please note that the consequences listed below apply to every student at AHS.  If a student fails to complete any of the assigned consequences as listed below, further disciplinary action may occur.
