Closed Campus
Closed Campus
Aragon has a closed campus during school hours. Students leaving the campus without permission during school hours are subject to disciplinary action, including truancy. Students from other schools are not allowed on the Aragon campus during the school day. The San Mateo Police Department has been authorized to return students to school if they are loitering in neighboring areas during school hours. All visitors on campus with official business must first sign in at the Main Office and wear a “Visitor Pass” for proper identification.
During Brunch, Lunch, and Passing Periods, the athletic fields, tennis courts, parking lots, theater area, grassy areas by the Alameda, and all areas outside the perimeter of the school buildings are off limits. Students are not to gather in these areas. Going to automobiles during the school day is not allowed and students are not to remain in their cars after arriving at school. Students are informed about the off-limits areas of the campus during the annual school year orientation by administration.
Students are to remain on campus once they arrive, including during brunch and lunch. They are not to leave until they have completed their school day. Students in violation of off-limit or closed-campus regulations will be searched and receive Saturday Work Study. Parents will be contacted regarding this violation. Subsequent violations will result in suspension and placement on a discipline contract.
Students are only allowed in the locker room during their PE class period or other school related activities under the supervision of AHS staff. Students in the gym locker room without staff supervision are subject to administrative intervention.