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Personal Safety for Students

Personal Safety for Students

The central aspect of our responsibility to our students is that of their personal safety. Therefore, it is imperative that any student who feels intimidated, uncomfortable, harassed, or threatened in any way report the incident to AHS Administration.  If an administrator is unavailable, or the student is more comfortable doing so, they may speak with a school counselor, a teacher or other staff member.  All school personnel are mandated reporters and trained to support students with these concerns.

When an incident is reported to us, we will protect the rights and needs of all students by maintaining confidentiality. It is the conviction of the AHS staff that an essential facet of student safety is ensuring that the Aragon campus is free from any form of racial or ethnic slur, or negative comments about another student’s sexual identity or religious beliefs. 

We are proud of the diversity of our student body, and strive to model tolerance and compassion in our approach to students. It is important for students and parents to know that the school may take action for any violations of school rules which occur from the time the student leaves home for school and until the student arrives home after school. This includes incidents that occur off campus at school sanctioned events.