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Student Conduct

Student Conduct

The Education Code sets out grounds for suspension and expulsion. The following examples of prohibited conduct do not include all the legal grounds for student discipline. Students violating the AHS Behavior Expectations (at school, school events, or traveling to/from school or school events) are subject to school-issued consequences, including restorative actions, detention, suspension, expulsion, or transfer. 

When a student is suspended, a reasonable effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian in person or by phone. A suspended student is not permitted to be on any district campus or attend any school event in the district. Police may be contacted. Upon request, the teacher may provide assignments to students on suspension; however, giving credit for these assignments is at the teacher’s discretion (Ed. Code 48913). Students who are suspended may not attend or participate in school-related events for 10 calendar days from the date of the suspension. Any student under the influence or in possession of alcohol or drugs at a school event may not attend or participate in school related events for 30 calendar days from the date of the suspension. If the incident occurs at a school dance, the student may not attend the next AHS school dance.

Behavior Focus

Teachers are expected to be proactive when working with students and developing classroom management strategies. Classroom management strategies may include the following phases: warning, side conversation to counsel the student, behavior modification techniques (like a secret signal), change of seat, classroom behavior contract, teacher detention, etc.  If students do not modify their behavior, the classroom teacher is encouraged and expected to contact the parent via email, telephone or conference. Communication with the home is key when a student is continually disruptive. Once a student is referred to the grade-level Assistant Principal for discipline, that student may be assigned a school detention, Friday or Saturday Work Study, or suspension.

Behavior Policy

Attendance related consequences: Consequences related to attendance (tardies and truancies) are queried out of the AERIES attendance database and assigned based on the policy outlined in the student handbook. Teachers should notify the student of their concerns regarding timeliness and attendance; however, they are not responsible for assigning detentions for attendance reasons. The progression of discipline is detention, Friday or Saturday Work Study, loss of privileges, and referral to the AHS Truancy Process.

Behavior related consequences: Consequences related to behavior are assigned by the grade-level Assistant Principal as outlined in the student handbook. Teachers are expected to contact parents/guardians whenever a student is sent to the office for behavioral intervention. Depending on the situation, the consequence could be detention, Friday or Saturday Work Study, assignment to other site/district intervention programs or other Restorative Practices, suspension, or expulsion. For serious offenses, students may be put on a behavior contract or formal reprimand, and law enforcement officers will be included when appropriate.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

The San Mateo Union High School District is committed to the premise that, on high school campuses, full participation in the educational process must be in an environment that is free from harassment based on race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, immigrant status, homelessness, economic status, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, medical condition, or physical or mental disability.

At the same time, the San Mateo Union High School District is committed to protecting freedom of speech to guarantee the free exchange of ideas. This protection is of great importance on District campuses, where the free exchange of ideas fosters knowledge, individual growth, and tolerance for new and different ideas. However, speech or expression used as a weapon to harass specific victims is not tolerated and is to be condemned. Accordingly, the Board of Trustees has adopted the following:


The District shall take all steps necessary to provide a positive educational and employment environment which encourages equal educational opportunities. The District will actively seek to educate staff and students on the deleterious effects of expressions of hatred or contempt based on race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, immigrant status, homelessness, economic status, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, medical condition, or physical or mental disability and will promote equality and mutual respect and understanding among all groups and individuals.

The District recognizes that the expression of certain ideas which might be regarded as unpopular or offensive is protected by the First Amendment. Aragon High School and the SMUHSD Board of Trustees will not, however, permit the harassment of an individual or specific individuals on the basis of their race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, immigrant status, homelessness, economic status, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, medical condition, or physical or mental disability. Standards of conduct for students and the applicable sanctions for violating the standards of student conduct are contained in the Student Handbook.
Violations of this policy will be referred to the administration for possible referral to counseling agencies, detention, Friday or Saturday Work Study, suspension, expulsion, or administrative transfer.


Acts of disruption include but are not limited to hazing, taunting, and harassment of individuals or groups of students.


Acts of defiance or disobedience include inappropriate language or gestures directed against school personnel, refusing to comply with school personnel, or refusing to comply with a reasonable request or directive from school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties. This includes, but is not limited to, refusal to serve detention, insulting or abusive remarks, willful defiance, giving false information, failure to follow the code of conduct, or failure to identify oneself to teachers or other school personnel.

Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity/vulgarity:

Students who use profane or vulgar language and/or gestures, either verbally or in writing, including email are liable for detention, Friday or Saturday Work Study, or suspension on the first offense. Habitual offenders will be recommended for FWS, suspension, administrative transfer, or expulsion from school.

Substance Abuse

The San Mateo Union High School District prohibits the use of alcohol or drugs by anyone, anywhere on school property, and at any school-sponsored event. A student may not bring or use drugs at school or at a school activity, have intoxicating beverages or drugs in his/her possession at school or at a school activity, or attend school or a school activity under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs. Possession of drugs or possession of alcohol by anyone under the age of twenty-one is a violation of the law (Penal Code Section 647.5). The school administration reserves the right to involve law enforcement and/or social service agencies, as it deems necessary or appropriate. Administration may also use Passive Alcohol Sensor (PAS) devices at any or all San Mateo Union High School District events, activities, or programs.

Use, Possession of Tobacco/ Tobacco Products – Ed. Code 48900(h)
The San Mateo Union High School District prohibits students from possessing or using tobacco products on campus or anywhere by anyone, on school property and at any school-sponsored event. Any student who brings or uses tobacco products at school or at a school activity may also be assigned to an Alternative to Suspension program. Repeat offenders may be suspended and placed on a school behavior contract.

Use, Under the Influence of, or Possession of a Controlled Substance or Alcohol – Ed. Code 48900(c)
Any student who uses, possesses, or is under the influence of a controlled substance or alcohol at school or school event will be suspended and may be subject to administrative transfer or expulsion. Police intervention may be called upon.

Offer, Sale, Furnish a Controlled Substance or Alcohol – Ed. Code 48900(c) & (d)
Any student who offers, sells, or furnishes alcohol or drugs to another person at school or a school function will be suspended and may be subject to administrative transfer or expulsion. Police intervention may be called upon.

Offer, Sale, or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Ed. Code 48900(j)
Any student who offers, sells, or possesses drug paraphernalia to another person at school or a school function will be suspended and may be subject to administrative transfer or expulsion. Police intervention may be called upon.
Any student under the influence or in possession of alcohol or drugs at a school event may not attend or participate in school related events for 30 calendar days from the date of the suspension. If the incident occurs at a school dance, the student may not attend the next AHS school dance.


Fighting – Ed. Code 48900(a)(1)

Students shall not fight or attempt to cause bodily harm to another student through physical contact. If a student attempts to involve another student, that student should walk away and report it to a campus aide, teacher, or administrator. If a student is a victim of a sudden unprovoked attack or fight, that student shall disengage as soon as possible and report the incident to a school official. Students who instigate fights will be subject to the same consequences as those who are actually involved in fighting.

Assault and Battery

Students shall not cause, attempt to cause, or threaten (in any form including written or oral) to cause injury of any kind to a student while at school or any school-sponsored event. Students involved in an assault or battery are subject to suspension, possible administrative transfer, or expulsion and police referral.
A student may be recommended for expulsion or administratively placed from AHS upon their second involvement in a fight or assault/battery.

Hate/Discriminatory Behavior or Violence (Ed. Code 48900.3): 

Hateful or discriminatory behavior is defined as an act, or attempted act, motivated by hostility toward a victim’s actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, immigrant status, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, age, disability, or any other physical or cultural characteristic.  
All staff and students are responsible for working to maintain a positive school environment.  When hateful or discriminatory behaviors are observed, those behaviors need to be reported to AHS Administration for follow-up, remediation, and/or disciplinary intervention.
The following actions represent examples of hurtful and unacceptable behaviors amongst the AHS community and will be addressed through the AHS Progressive Discipline Policy (see above): 

  1. Name calling, racial slurs or bigoted epithets. 
  2. The presence of symbols or words considered offensive to persons of a specific gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or the mentally or physically challenged, such as graffiti, slurs or painted swastikas. 
  3. Activities historically associated with threats to persons of a specific gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or the mentally or physically challenged (e.g., burning crosses, wearing swastikas or white sheets, flying confederate flags, hanging effigies, defacing pink triangles). 
  4. The posting or circulation of demeaning jokes or caricatures based on negative stereotypes of a specific gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or mental or physical challenges.
  5. The defacing, removal, or destruction of posted materials, meeting places, memorials, etc. associated with specific gender, race, ethnic, religious, sexual orientation or mental or physical challenges.  
  6. Victim belief that the incident was motivated by bias against him/her as a member of a specific gender, racial, ethnic, religious, sexual orientation or mentally or physically challenged group. 
  7. Perpetrator explanation/defense of incident involves exalting own gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or mental or physical status and/or includes statements demeaning victim group.
  8. The presence of organized hate group literature and/or posters or reference to an organized hate group.

Hateful or discriminatory behavior is elevated to a criminal act, defined as hate violence by the California Education Code Section 200.3 and section 422.55 of the California Penal Code.


Any act of bullying, including, but not limited to bullying committed by means of an “electronic act,” may result in counseling, suspension, police involvement, and a recommendation for possible expulsion. Acts of bullying will be fully investigated before final outcomes are determined. Electronic act means the transmission of a communication, including but not limited to a message, text, sound, or image by means of an electronic device such as a telephone, wireless phone or other wireless device, computer, or pager. 

Staff Threats/Intimidation

Threat or intimidation of a staff member (verbal, written, electronic, etc.) at any time will result in police involvement, immediate suspension, and a recommendation for possible expulsion.


Harassment/hazing is defined as any act directed against a student or groups of students that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the actual and reasonably-expected effect of materially-disrupting classwork, creating substantial disorder, invading the rights of that pupil or groups of pupils by degrading, disgracing, or by otherwise creating an intimidating or hostile education environment. This includes any act committed via Internet, such as Facebook postings and acts committed via text message or email. Police intervention may be necessary.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually referenced insults, and other verbal, visual, and physical conduct of a sexual nature, including the display of pornographic materials.
Where the conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive as to limit a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the education program or creates a hostile or abusive educational environment, students will be subject to disciplinary actions ranging from counseling, detention, Friday or Saturday Work Study, suspension, administrative transfer, police involvement, and recommendation for expulsion.

Closed Campus

Students are informed about the off-limits areas of the campus during the annual school year orientation by administration. Students are to remain on campus once they arrive, including during brunch and lunch. They are not to leave until they have completed their school day.

Off-limit areas on campus during school include the following areas: parking lots, vehicles, athletic fields, theater area, tennis courts, grassy areas by the Alameda, and all areas outside the perimeter of the school buildings are off limits. Students are not to gather in these areas. Going to automobiles during the school day is not allowed and students are not to remain in their cars after arriving at school. 


map of closed campus boundaries


Students in violation of off-limit or closed-campus regulations will be searched and receive Saturday Work Study. Parents will be contacted regarding this violation. Subsequent violations will result in suspension and placement on a discipline contract.

Students are only allowed in the locker room during their PE class period or other school related activities under the supervision of AHS staff. Students in the gym locker room without staff supervision are subject to administrative intervention.

Hall Passes

Students are required to have an authorized hall pass in their possession whenever they are outside of their assigned class during instructional time.


All new students will be assigned a locker with a school lock by the Attendance Office. Students MAY NOT use a locker other than the one assigned to them. Students may have to share a locker with another student. School lockers are not theft-proof. Do not store valuables in school lockers, either in center court or in the PE area. School lockers and locks remain the property of the school and are subject to an inspection by school authorities without notification to the students. Any student using a locker not assigned to them will have the lock cut off and the locker contents placed in lost and found. Students will be required to pay for lost locks.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located in the Attendance Office. Items from the Lost and Found are donated at the end of each semester.

Deliveries for Students - Food & Other Items  

Students are not permitted to order food for delivery to Aragon High School. Delivery services such as Doordash, Grubhub, Uber Eats, etc. will not be accepted by the Main Office and may result in disciplinary action. Families should limit Main Office drop-offs of food or other items to a minimum. The Office Staff cannot be responsible for any items dropped off nor for sending notifications or items to students. Students can pick up items in the Main Office only, during brunch, lunch, or after school. All items not picked up by the end of the day will be discarded.  Students are not allowed to receive deliveries in parking lots. 

Phone Calls and Messages

All office phones are reserved for business purposes. Students will not be called out of class to receive telephone calls. Emergency phone messages from a parent/guardian only, will be delivered to students in class.

Responsibility for Damages

Students who are responsible for damage to school property are subject to disciplinary action and will be required to pay restitution damages. Vandalism is a misdemeanor or felony depending on the cost of repair or replacement. When a student is guilty of willfully destroying school property, guardians may be held liable for restitution.


The cafeteria and additional food carts are open during brunch and lunch each day for students to purchase food. Students can purchase food with cash or by using their student ID card (please see the website for information on how to add money to a student ID card).

Students are eligible for reduced priced meals depending on their family size and income. An application to participate in this program is available on line at the District Web Page or contact Mrs. Franco in the Health Office.

Internet Policy and Electronic Devices

In order to use a district computer, Internet account, or e-mail address, each student must have a completed and signed San Mateo Union High School District Acceptable Use Policy Agreement on file at the high school of attendance. Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy can result in the loss of technology services, confiscated devices, detention, Saturday work study, suspension, administrative transfer, or expulsion. While students may choose to bring personal computers to campus, teachers can require that classroom Chromebooks or computer labs be used instead. 

Electronic devices include personal radios, MP3/iPods, CD, DVD, cellular phones, walkie talkies, electronic games, tablets, and paging devices (Ed. Code 51512, 48901.5). Students in the San Mateo Union High School District may have in their possession cell phones and other communication devices during the school day and during school-sponsored activities and events. The school cannot be responsible for such items. 

Unless students have been given permission by the administration or teacher, all personal communication devices must be turned off during instructional time including when entering class and leaving with a hall pass, and/or to visit the restroom.  During these times, students must refrain from using their phones, electronic devices, or headphones/ear buds.  Student TAs should also abide by these rules during their TA period.  Students who do not comply with the above policy are subject to disciplinary referral and consequences, including the confiscation of the device for the remainder of the school day or event and the assignment of after-school detention. Parents/Guardians will be notified if the device has been confiscated by the main office and will have the choice to pick it up or allow the student to pick it up at the end of the day. On the second confiscation, Saturday work study is assigned and the student’s parent/guardian will be contacted and may be the only person to pick up the electronic device at the end of the school day.  Repeated usage without teacher or administrative approval may result in loss of the privilege to bring communication devices on campus and possibly suspension.

No student shall use personal hotspots, create networks, or access Virtual Private Networks while on campus. 

No student shall be prohibited from possessing or using an electronic signaling device that is determined by a licensed physician and surgeon to be essential for the health of the pupil and use of which is limited to purposes related to the health of the pupil.

NOTE:  All emergency messages to students should be delivered through the Main Office.

Driving and Parking

Student parking on campus is a privilege and limited to those who complete a request for a parking permit through the Student Services office.  Students are required to display their parking permits as instructed while using campus parking. Aragon has a limited number of student parking spaces available due to the size of our campus.  We encourage all students with a driver's license and car to apply, but priority for parking passes will be given to seniors.

Parking lots are out-of-bounds for students during the school day. Once students arrive on campus, they should not remain in their cars. If during the day they need to go to their car, they should ask permission from an administrator or campus security. Students loitering in parking lots will be disciplined for an off campus/out of bounds infraction, as part of our closed-campus school rules.

Students may park only in student parking areas and may not park in staff parking.   Student Parking Areas = parking lot on Woodland. Students may ONLY park in the North Lot by Woodland and on Alameda in front of the school. 

Student vehicles discovered parked in off-limits locations will immediately lose their parking permits and/or the potential loss of attendance privileges at student events and loss of participation in student-leadership and/or -athletic opportunities. 


Students shall not willfully enter or remain in or on any school structure, conveyance, or property without proper authorization by school personnel. Students are expected to leave the campus upon the completion of their classes for the day. No student shall be on the campus of another school other than his or her assigned school without the knowledge and consent of the officials of the school he or she is visiting. SMUHSD students who are found on a campus other than their home school will be assigned detention for their first offense, with SWS and then suspension thereafter. No student shall refuse to depart from the property of a SMUHSD school after being requested to do so. Police may be called to intervene in cases of trespassing.


Skateboards/rollerblades/roller-skates/bicycles are not to be ridden on campus and should be placed in an approved storage facility. Repeat offenses will be referred to the administration for appropriate intervention.

Bus Safety

The rules for student conduct on school buses are the same as for classroom/campus conduct. Bus drivers are charged with the responsibility of reporting to appropriate school officials, violations of rules when they are serious, or when a student does not respond to their verbal request for minor violations. However, a school official also has the authority to respond to any rule violation when reported by people other than the driver.  This includes student behavior on SamTrans buses!

Identification Cards

Students must have an Identification Card with them at all times when attending school or a school function.  This card will be required to make use of the library services and to sign in for attendance during FlexTime and extracurricular activities (like dances). Students will present their ID card when requested by a staff member. Cards are not transferable and can be replaced in the Student Services Office.  
Students must identify themselves to staff members upon request.


Students are responsible for all items stored in their locker, regardless of who owns the items. In addition, students who store prohibited items in their locker or in another student's locker will face school consequences for the materials found therein.

Locker Room Policy

The purpose of the AHS Locker Room Policy is to maintain a safe, clean and secure environment for all students and their belongings, and encourage and teach respect for AHS and personal property. 

  • AHS is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property. Students should never leave items unsecured in the locker rooms. Students are responsible for their own belongings. All backpacks and athletic bags must be secured in a locked locker. 
  • Lockers are to be used only for PE classes or after-school athletics for legitimate purposes only. Do not store anything other than PE necessities in your PE locker. No one is allowed in the locker rooms at any time other than when they have a PE class or are involved in an after school athletic activity. The locker rooms remain locked during class and after school for the security of all students. If someone is in the locker room that does not belong, notify a PE teacher immediately.
  • Each student will have his/her own gym locker. Students are issued an AHS combination lock, and each student must know his/her own combination on a daily basis. Students should never share their combination with another student. Students should not share lockers. No one is allowed to use another's locker for storage in any way. Should there be a problem with a lock or locker, notify a PE teacher immediately.
  • Make sure your lock is locked on your locker before leaving the locker room. Never place your lock on the bench or ground. Students who lose their locks during the semester or do not turn in their school issued locks at the end of the school year will be issued a book bill for $6.00.
  • For the privacy of everyone, use of cell phones or cameras of any kind is prohibited in the locker room. There are no cell phones or electronic devices allowed out in the open in the locker room anytime. Please keep cell phones, iPods, PDAs, etc. in your backpack. If they are visible or out in the open, they will be confiscated. Photos taken in the locker room will be confiscated and handed over to Aragon Police.
  • All lockers are the property of AHS. A fee will be assessed for locker damage caused by negligence or abuse.
  • Please report any facility problems and/or injuries to the PE teacher on duty immediately.
  • Absolutely no food or beverages (with the exception of water bottles) are allowed in the locker rooms.
  • Fighting is never allowed & may be cause for suspension. Being in the locker room without permission or entering the locker room by force may be cause for suspension.  
  • When leaving the locker room, it should be left undamaged and clean. Be sure to put all trash including tape balls, paper, and empty water bottles into the trash can. Students and athletes are required to pick up after themselves so the locker rooms are ready for the next class period.

Please report any theft to PE teachers IMMEDIATELY.